價值觀 brand value 歌頌騎乘經驗celebrate the journey 我們相信對的過程會引導出正確的結果 we believe that right process will bring us to the right outcome. 超越自我push the boundaries 我們追求卓越、敢于創新與打破不合時宜的界限 we strive for excellence, being innovative and breaking outdated practices. 拓展無限的可能expand the experience 我們探尋所有可能的資源以拓展顧客所需的價值 to expand customer needed value, we explore all possible resources. 呈現真實keep it real 我們追根究底并回歸原點去思考事情的本質 we go back to the basics and return to the origin to think about the nature of itself. 珍愛自然respect the planet 我們尊重地球并鼓勵他人一同實踐健康、喜樂、低碳的生活 we personally respect the planet and encourage others to live a low impact and environmentally conscious lifestyle.