廈門朗豪酒店盡展一貫「朗豪」品牌的風格,為旅客帶來樂趣無窮的住宿體驗,包括集商務中心及酒吧一身的Portal – Work & Play和讓賓客放松及充電的Club L 貴賓會。
1.為客人提供快速熱情的餐飲服務,根據設定的標準確保餐飲外觀的質量 provide fast and courteous service of food and beverages to guests and ensure quality of food and beverage presentation per established standards 2.與上級領導交流有關疑難,客人意見和其它相關信息 communicates to his/her superior any difficulties, guest comments and other relevant information 3.參加和參與每日的例會和其它計劃好的會議 attends and participates in daily briefings and other meetings as scheduled